Friday, October 8, 2010

I absolutely love working with the kids. I am thinking of taking a Spanish class because a majority of the kids speak Spanish. I also find that I am enjoying working with the special ed classes. Enough about work. I started a new ward in late August. There are lot's of people in it and I love it. I was totally uplifted last weekend by General Conference, which is just what I needed. I also enjoy seeing my Uncle Paul sing in the Tabernacle Choir. Only 11 more days until I turn 25. So many people are telling me I am not old, but somehow I still feel like I am. This is my most favorite time of the year. I love the weather and hate it when it is hot. It is the perfect weather to go out on walks. I am going to be working on putting pictures on here, but I don't have a camera yet and hope to get one soon. Well time to sign off.